How to Involve Employees When Moving Your Offices

If you are moving offices, you have an opportunity to think about how you want your new space to look. The physical environment of an office can have a significant impact on the employee experience.

Your employees can be happier and more productive if they feel like they have a connection to their office, so it’s important to engage employees when you are moving. There are lots of different strategies for getting them involved.

It can be as simple as asking for suggestions on an office moving company or getting their opinion on lighting. Even small gestures can make a significant impact when it comes to employee morale.

Below, we’re sharing more tips on how to involve employees when moving office space. Read on to learn more, so you can make your next office move successfully.

1. Acknowledge Their Commute

Anytime you’re moving offices, your employees’ commute is going to be impacted. For some, the move may be closer to their homes, but for others, it may mean a longer drive or a different bus route or that they are no longer in walking distance.

You may not be able to change your planned move based on this, but you can take the opportunity to engage employees around potential solutions. Maybe you can offer reimbursement for public transportation, or can solicit their feedback on plans for parking.

Keep the line of communication open. The most important thing is to let your employees know that you understand the concern, and are being as proactive as possible to address any issues.

2. Share Information

If you want to involve employees in your office move, they need to feel like they have all the information possible. No one wants to propose an idea that will be shot down because they didn’t have the most updated information.

Before your move, schedule an all-staff meeting to discuss essential information. This could include the timeline for the move, your ideas for how to organize an office move, opportunities for employees to help, and more. Follow-up with emails or smaller team meetings if necessary.

3. Continue to Solicit Feedback

You don’t want your opportunities to engage employees in ending once the move is complete. It’s essential that you continue to get their feedback, even after the office moving company has done their job and everyone is settling in.

Ask them if they have suggestions for what went well in the move, or what could be improved. They may have thoughts on how to organize the office so that they are more productive. Continue to make it clear that you care about their ideas, and about how they are adjusting to the move.

Want More Ideas for Moving Office Spaces?

Moving office spaces can seem like an overwhelming task at first. There is the physical work of moving, but you also have to work to keep your employees engaged and invested in the move. The more upfront you can be with information, the better your employees will adjust to the change.

For more help during your next move, please contact us at any time.