Move Like the Pros: Decluttering Tips to Help Organize Before a Move

There are a lot of hidden expenses with moving. These include breaking leases, transferring utilities, and, of course, physically relocating all of your worldly possessions.

That’s why cutting down on your possessions is an important process to undertake before your move. The less stuff you have, the easier it will be to get it to your new home!

Check out these decluttering tips to learn how to reduce what you own.

1. Answer These Questions

As you move from room to room look at all of your possessions. Be thorough and ask yourself:

  • Is the item still useful?
  • Is it broken?
  • When was last time I used it?
  • Does it have sentimental value?
  • Will I miss it if it’s gone?
  • Can it be given away or sold?
  • Is there room for it in my new home?

2. Cut Down on Clothes

Did you know that most people only wear 20% of the clothes in their wardrobe? It’s true. No matter how many shirts you own, people tend to keep going back to the same ones.

To declutter, go through your clothes, and be honest about what you wear and what you don’t. A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn an article of clothing in a year, chances are you aren’t going to miss it if you get rid of it.

3. Clear Away Knick Knacks

Let’s face it: we all like to buy little odds and ends when we travel, but in the end, most of these items just end up collecting dust.

Go through your cabinets, bookshelves, your side tables, and your junk drawers. If you have 25 mismatched mugs and 75 pens, chances are you can part with some of them.

4. Go Through Your Pantry

Did you go a little crazy the last time there was a buy-one-get-one sale at the grocery store? There’s nothing wrong with having some extra food in the pantry, but it’s essential to go through it every once in a while and make sure you get rid of items that you probably won’t eat.

Start by discarding anything that has expired. Then, look for nonperishable items that are still in date, but that you’ve had for a long time. These items can be donated to local food pantries.

5. Evaluate Your Furniture

Moving is a great time to take a look at your furniture and decide if it’s worth moving. If your couch has seen better days, it might be easier to simply replace it when you get to your new home. This is especially true if you are moving a considerable distance.

6. Put Items in Storage

If you have a small space, you may struggle to find room for big items that you don’t need every day. These could include seasonal items like Christmas decorations, or sporting items like kayaks or bikes.

A good solution to free up space in your home can be putting these items into a storage unit. This way, you can still hold on to the items without needing to clear space for them in your home.

Put These Decluttering Tips Into Action Today

With these decluttering tips in hand, you will be able to decrease the number of possessions you have. This will make your move easier and less stressful.

Need help getting your move underway? Contact us today for a free quote!

Helping Movers: 10 Things Professional Movers Want You to Know

Helping movers on moving day can be bittersweet for the movers. Sometimes our help is a hindrance, but you can ensure you’re making the right moves with this insightful article!

Here’s what you’ll need to know to be productive on moving day, making sure this stressful time runs as smoothly as possible:

1. Pack All Items Before Movers Arrive

Don’t wait until movers arrive to begin packing stuff away into boxes.

Have all of your belongings packed up and waiting for the moving team to load onto the truck.

A trusted mover will provide you with plenty of tips and advice for having everything packed and ready for the big day.

2. Label Boxes

Knowing where boxes are headed to will save a lot of time and energy for you later on. However, it also helps movers organize the move to be quicker and more efficient.

3. Distribute Heavy Items Equally

If you have books, bowling balls, or other heavy items, try to disperse them around to avoid single heavy boxes. Alternatively, movers will appreciate the heavier stuff divided in smaller boxes.

4. Mark Fragile Items

If you have glassware or china (or anything fragile), mark the boxes they’re in to avoid any trouble during the move. Movers can’t ensure every box gets equal treatment during the drive, so they need to prioritize.

5. Keep Walkways Free of Clutter

As the movers go back and forth between your home and the moving truck, they’ll need any clutter removed to avoid dangerous consequences.

6. Don’t Make Extra Traffic

Sometimes, the hazard can be the person moving. Avoid getting in the way of the movers as they lift and transport heavy objects to and from their trucks.

7. Keep Pets and Children Safely Out of the Way

Consider having a sitter watch your children and pets on moving day. This will help not only keep them out from underfoot but will keep both calmer. The day can be chaotic and stressful, plus seeing the house getting packed up and moved can be emotionally unsettling for kids and furry friends alike.

8. Don’t Stray Too Far

Don’t wander or leave while the movers are handling boxes. They may have questions for you or else will need your input on sorting and such.

9. Refreshments are Nice

Offering water or soda is an excellent idea as movers will be exerting a lot of energy battling the elements. Help keep movers hydrated and refreshed to ensure the best experience.

10. Gratuities are Appreciated

While not always expected, tips are always appreciated. Monitor the quality of the job being performed and tip accordingly.

Professional Household Moving

Helping movers by setting things appropriately and offering the right assistance will make moving day a breeze.

Still looking for more insight moving tips? Looking for a professional moving company in your area? Check out the Community Mover website today to get more advice and learn more about our exceptional moving services!


10 Important Things You Need to Do When Moving to a New Neighborhood

Around 900 people move to Florida every day.

Whether you’re moving to the next town over or moving across the country, moving to a new neighborhood can cause people to feel a mix of emotions.

Settling into a new place can be a struggle for a lot of people, but we’re here to make it easier.

Here are 10 important things to do when moving to a new place.

1. Be a Backyard Adventurer

Moving to a new neighborhood can be overwhelming and disorienting for some people. When moving to a new home, it helps to get out and explore your community, either by foot or by bike.

This not only helps to orient yourself to the neighborhood, but it’s a great way to discover hidden gems in your area that are off the beaten track. From a hidden park or pond to a local dive bar, there are discoveries you can only make by being a backyard adventurer.

2. When Moving to a New Neighborhood, Start Getting to Know People Close to Home!

No matter where you’re moving you will have new neighbors. They can be a mile away or right next to you, either way, they’re a great resource.

No one knows more about living in your neighborhood than people who have been living there. They know the rules of the HOA, they know which restaurants are great for date night, and where to bring your dog for a good walk.

3. Establish Yourself

Now that you know how important it is to put yourself out there, you may be wondering the best way to do this.

Make yourself as approachable as possible. Use your front porch, mow your lawn, and allow yourself to be seen as warm and welcoming to people. You’d be surprised at how many people will approach you if given the chance. With all the stress of moving, it’s always nice for your neighbors to come to you.

4. Find Your Neighborhood Staples

Relocating to a new city means rebuilding your network in every sense of the word. While you may be excited about the new nightlife and dining opportunities, it’s important to re-establish your everyday staples.

These are the following places to put on your moving to another city checklist:

  1. Your new “regular” spot- a bar or restaurant where the wait staff will soon know your name and order.
  2. Your all-purpose grocery store
  3. Your late night craving spot
  4. Best cup of coffee in your new city
  5. A park or dog park for Sparky!

5. Get Involved

Volunteering and being involved in civic organizations don’t just make you feel good, they expand your social network.

An excellent way to find places and organizations to be a part of is by looking at the community board at your local coffee shop or grocery store. You can also visit volunteer matching sites for specific and targeted volunteer opportunities in the area.

6. Ask for Recommendations in Your Network

Chances are if you’re moving far away, you have at least met a friend of a friend in that city.

Now that you’re in the city try reaching out to your network to see if they can recommend you meet up with a friend or friend. This will help you get insider advice and feel like a local.

7. Use Social Media

Twitter is not just for following famous movie stars! Use your social media presence to help adjust to your move.

Many neighborhoods have established Facebook groups to introduce new neighbors. Even if your neighborhood doesn’t have a social media presence, you can use this platform for reviews and recommendations.

Nextdoor is a free, private social network for you, your neighbors, and your community. It’s a convenient way for you and your neighbors to chat online. Get recommendations from neighbors about local contractors, restaurants, or events.

8. Host a Party

You spent a ton of time and energy making your house unique and homey.

Once you’ve settled in, what better way to both show off your investment and meet new people than by hosting a party? Whether you host a housewarming party or a holiday party, this can help establish your house as the place people want to be.

9. Visit the Visitor’s Center

Most towns, even the smaller ones, have a visitor’s center. Even if you’re not a visitor, these are great places to become knowledgeable about your town.

Visitor’s centers have coupons, flyers, and local history of your new neighborhood. It’s the ideal place to visit as a break from unpacking boxes.

10. Be Yourself!

Relaxing into a new house and a new neighborhood takes time! It’s important to take care of yourself first.

Being yourself and finding activities that you enjoy in your new neighborhood will attract people to you.

Happy moving!

Moving to a new neighborhood doesn’t have to be the most stressful experience of your year!

For help with moving and a free quote for moving services be sure to check us out.