6 Things to do When Moving That People Often Forget

Moving can seem like trying to herd cats. With so many moving parts, it’s no wonder it’s easy to forget something important you need to do.

But even among the stress and the mess, with a bit of organization, you can keep a complete checklist and check it twice. And the bonus is, it can make things so much easier when you get to your new place.

Let’s look at six things to do when moving that are easy to forget.

Packing an Essentials Box

Nothing is more frustrating than arriving at your new place and realizing everything you immediately need is packed in 20 different boxes.

Make it easy on yourself and pack an essentials box. Think of all the things you use on a daily basis like toilet paper, toothbrushes, charging cords, coffee maker, and everything else. Accessing it all from one box will save you time and added exhaustion.

Snap Pictures of Electronic Setups

Sure, the cord setup on the back of your TV seems straightforward now –  until it’s nothing but a tangled mess in a box.

Forgetting how to hook up your electronics can be very frustrating on top of a tiresome move. But snapping a picture of the setup BEFORE you unhook everything will be an immense help when it comes time to set it all back up in the new place.

Change of Address Notices

Giving notice of your change of address seems to fall far down the to-do list. But it’s not something you want to wait to do until the last minute.

Register your new street address with the post office until you’re able to notify everyone else. Then when you can, contact your bank, creditors, car insurance company, and everyone else of your move.

Gathering Personal Records

If you’re moving out of town, you may be busy looking for new schools and updating your driver’s license. But did you remember to grab your medical records? How about a list of prescriptions from your pharmacist?

Personal records are vital to take with you. This includes vet records for your pets and your children’s school records. If it’s a service you’ll need in your new town, take all the files you’ll need.

Label Boxes

It might seem obvious, but in the rush to get things packed and moved, labeling boxes can fall to the wayside. And that can spell frustration once you make it to your new place.

Make sure to label all of your moving boxes clearly. Write what room they go in and what the contents of the box are. Label each side of the box. That will make it much easier to organize when it’s time to unpack.

Cancel Recurring Memberships and Fees

Make sure to notify your local gym, or any place else you may be a member of, about your move. Forgetting to do so will result in you paying for memberships you no longer use, which is a waste of money.

Though, if you can transfer the membership to a different facility, there doesn’t have to be an interruption of service.

These Things to Do When Moving Can Be a Lifesaver

Moving should be a new, exciting adventure, and not stressful. Keeping a proper list of the things to do when moving can make the process easier and more enjoyable for you and your family.

Need help with your move? Contact us today and get a free quote!